Monday, June 25, 2007

The old re-committment box

What is the deal with the re-committment box. I am not a fan of it, especially in youth ministry. If you give a kid a chance to check a re-committment box he will re-committ his life every week. As the church are we not explaining salvation correctly or what it means to re-committ our lives to Christ? Or if we have already committed our lives to Christ do we have to re-committ them. Please help me understand this. Maybe it is just the Bible belt where this occurs. I don't know. Let me know your thoughts on this subject.



Josh(ua) Treece said...

I think that one of the reasons why this seems to be prevelant in the South is that we've made it a decision that is on par with an initial commitment to follow Christ. We've always provided an option between three reponses to a message: 1) Get "saved", 2) Commit to full time Christian service, 3) "re"-commit.

Perhaps the answer to the problem is that we begin to emphasize rePENT over reCOMMIT...

Kurt Johnston said...

I tend to agree with you John, but maybe it's a trade-off: The problem of students 'recommiting' every week vs. the great opportunity it gives somebody who is genuinely at a place where they feel the need to do so.