Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Why do you do what you do?

The past couple of weeks I have been asking myself this question. Am I doing ministry because I feel called to it? And by ministry I mean either in a church or in a Christian school setting. Am I doing ministry because this is all I have known for the last few years? Do I keep forcing myself to do church or school ministry when I should be doing another type of ministry? I don't know the answer to these questions. I am trying to figure this out. I know that I love ministry and I love tech and media and I love how we can use the internet and technology to reach people, but how does this translate into a job for myself? I would love to do some kind of church consulting with youth, but some would say I do not have enough experience. Is there a youth consulting position out there? I know there is a church consulting job, but what about specifically for youth? I know there is a perfect ministry job out there it is just finding it. The other hard part is I can't work at another church than where my wife works. Mariah, my wife, is a youth pastor and we love our Church. So working at another church is out of the question. Does anyone out there have any ideas for me? If so let me know.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

start your own ministry. para church organizations such as younglife and klife had to be birthed somewhere