Friday, May 30, 2008

Are you REALLY training your small group leaders?

I hear all the time that Small Groups is where the growth happens. This is especially true for Seeker Friendly churches. I have heard over and over again people complain that they don't get anything out of the Sunday message and that if that's what they want they should join a small group. I agree. But I also believe that you can always get something out of a message. For more on this check out Rob Bell's Velvet Elvis. And I think it is more important for youth than for adults to have small group leader training. I believe adults can discuss and carry on a deep conversation without much direction, but youth need that direction and push.
So, how are you training your small group leaders?
Do you have one training at the beginning of the year and that is it?
Are you meeting with them once a month?
What does your training look like?
Do you even have training, or do you throw your leaders to the wolves?
I personally, don't believe there is enough small group leader training. Some people don't need it. They have been small group leaders for years, and they get it.
It's easy to read out of something and start a conversation, but do your small group leaders really invest in their students?
Are they doing more than showing up on a Tuesday night for an hour and a half?
What are your thoughts?


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