Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Starbucks and Church

I have seen a lot of people blog on this subject, but I still wanted to throw in my 2 cents. What is it that Starbucks does so well? Well just about everything. Now the question is what can the Church take from Starbucks. I honestly don't drink coffe, but there are a few drinks I will get from there. I also hear a lot of people say they don't even like their coffe, but they love the atmosphere and the environment. I am the same way. I love hanging out there, but am not a fan of spending a lot of money on their drinks, but I do.
Their staff is super friendly.
They know their stuff.
They love being there.
I have visited many churches and it is funny that I can go into a Starbucks and someone genuinely asks me how I am doing. There are churches I have been to where the staff is not genuine in their hellos and there are also times when no one even says hi to you. I know that people aren't perfect and that is why churches aren't perfect.
Starbucks is doing some awesome things. I bet you could get a lot of people to church if church was in Starbucks. I wonder if you can get more people to church if instead of inviting them to church you invite them to coffee. Maybe more churches need to put actual coffee shops in their lobbies. Not just have coffe, but an actual store. I woudl love to see this in more churches. I know some are doing this.
The Church can learn a lot from Starbuck, but hopefully there is a lot Starbucks can learn from the church. I hope this rambling made sense. Let me know your thoughts.


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