Sunday, July 6, 2008

Who is worship really for?

I have heard a lot of people over the years say they do not like the worship at ________ Church or I don't like so and so as a worship leader. Or the music is too loud. The music is too slow. I don't like hymns. Now, who is to say that God doesn't enjoy all of this. And I understand that we want to enjoy worship and what it is all about, but we have to remember that worship is not for us. Worship is for God and to God. So the next time you are worshiping remember who it is for and why we do it and you might have a different perspective on it.


1 comment:

David Guion said...

Good morning Synder,

Only recently (say within the last 20 years or so) has the phrase "the worship" meant something specific. Here's what I mean...

For many today, the phrase identifies a specific portion of a Christian gathering (now termed "environment" by some) which includes the music, lighting, sound, video, etc.

What if someone had said to Jonathan Edwards, "I really didn't like the worship at church today." What would have been his response? Would he have understood the current context of the phrase? (Just wondering.)

Prodigal Jon has posted some interesting thoughts on this topic over at his "Stuff Christians Like" blog. For example, here's a link to his "Creating New Types of Services" post. (Beware of prolific sarcasm.)

Thanks for your post.

Have a great week!

David Guion