Monday, August 6, 2007

Job Update

Like I said in an earlier post, Mariah Got a job as the junior high small groups coordinator at Mariniers Church in Irvine and I have applied to be the K-8th grade chaplain at Capo Valley Christian School. I still have an in person interview on August 17th. It is with the head of schools. Please be praying for this meeting. It would be a great gig and I am really excited just to have the opportunity. Thanks for all the prayers.



Cathi said...

Hi John- I know it's been a long time since we've talked. I'm so glad to hear you and Mariah are coming back to CA!

Do you happen to know Jaime Warren? She's 2nd grade teacher at CVCS, and also, the principal, Rick, goes to Saddleback. I'm not sure if that will give you any "ins" but I hope it does!
I'll be praying!
Cathi Workman

E.Money said...

good luck, friends!! :)